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Studio activities & concerts

If you're game, you have the opportunity to take part in regular group events which are held in the studio or in rented concert locations. It's your chance to deal with stage fright, exchange ideas with like-minded people and get ready for the big performance, but also to test your own original songs or practice for auditions. Regular participation in class is required. A fee will be charged.

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Back in the Backyard Salon 2022

Love and passion for music and singing connects us all - what could be more obvious than singing about it? With some of my students I put together a small concert over several weeks and months. All participants will perform something as a soloist, there will be a few duets to be heard, and there will also be a piece or two for everyone to sing along to. Songs from a wide variety of genres, from musicals, jazz, pop, rock and more, tell of passion. You will get a nice insight into what I work on in class, how much fun we have and how varied it can look and sound.

Krissy's Sing Salon

Even better than singing is singing in community! That's why there is now Krissy's Sing Salon, which all active students of KD Vocal Coaching can participate in. What exactly is the Sing Salon?  It's not a choir - it's not an ensemble - it's not a singing group, so what then?


We meet up at my studio one evening every couple of weeks to experience singing together in the safe space of my studio. A small group warm-up, one or two songs that we sing together, then everyone who wants to present the song or songs they are working on in class. In between, people chat and exchange ideas.

So if you want to have fun singing with like-minded people and take a lot of pleasant side effects with you - reduce stage fright, move in front of an audience, announce yourself, learn to enjoy applause, exchange experiences with other singers and much more - then then Krissy's Singing Salon is for you. The prerequisite is regular participation in classes, so go ahead, get in touch and book lessons to be there at the next appointment. 

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Krissy's students sing at the Cologne "Hinterhofsalon" 2021

Love and passion for music and singing connects us all; what could be more obvious than singing about it? Over the course of several months I put together a small concert with some of my students. All participants performed a solo, we had a couple of duets and group numbers – songs from a wide variety of genres, Musical Theater, Jazz, Pop, Rock and more. Some interviews (in German and English) and a vocal coaching session with the audience round up the event. For the extra touch, I hired a legit professional pianist. Not only a great opportunity for my singers to practise working and performing with stage pros, but also a nice glimpse into how I work in class and how much fun it is.

Virtual Campfire Singing 2020

2020 has given us all kinds of tasks and forced us to get creative virtually. I had to put my plan to bring people together to sing to create a community on hold - at least analogously. 

Instead, I created virtual campfire vibes using Zoom and YouTube, which contributed the campfire for the background; featuring songs most have sung around a real campfire at some point in their lives. 

Singing fun, which is a bit one-sided, but in which even those who are otherwise too shy to raise their voices could join in. After all, everyone could only hear themselves.

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Krissy Dorn Vocal Coaching

+49 160 4537845


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